Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Little Cow Patti

This is for my friends Adelia and Wendy, who've never heard this song. This was one of my dad's favorites.


Adelia said...

You won't believe me, but I googled this yesterday and listened to it just because of you! Thanks for the enlightenment, Ms Trish! :-D

Shan said...

Well, I'm not too young to remember that song! :) But, I have never seen the guy who sang it. What a hilarious performer! Now I wonder how old he is...if he still is. Thanks for the memories!

Wendy said...

HAAAHAAA!! Well, I had every intention of looking up the song, but my memory stinks and I promptly forgot. ;-)
Fred and I just had a great laugh!! Thanks so much. He IS a funny performer, and what a song!
I also find it rather amusing that you have a "poop" tag for your posts. ;-) heh heh heh

Suzanne said...

Allen and I went to his show in Branson a couple years back and we laughed the entire time. He was so clean and fun.