Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today's Harvest

This morning, the sky looked like it was seriously going to burst and we mere mortals would need to roll our pants up because of the flood waters... Ok, maybe not that bad. But it didn't look good. As the thunder got closer I got myself outside and did a little garden gathering before everything got wet. Here's what I got...
I harvested a big bowl full of lettuce and spinach. Do you see those strawberries? Yep, they're ours. We're conducting a "strawberry experiment" this year. I'll tell you more about that later...but it seems to be working. Finally, the eggs are from our girls. I hard boiled them, so one of them looks white...but it's's brown... but white on the inside... You get the picture.
Here's what I did will all of it.
Strawberry spinach salad. I'd share it with you, but it's all gone.

Monday, May 10, 2010

More Randomness...

What's goin' on here? I'm glad you asked.

--Went to a local dairy and bought 3 gallons of fresh milk...just to try it out. We let it sit overnight and then skimmed the cream off the top. Fresh butter...nice! The kids seem to like it. I'm optimistic this might work out...

--Made cards with some lovely ladies Friday night. I have fabulously creative friends.

--Went to a mini-reunion on Saturday to see several of my high school girlfriends. It's amazing how quickly a person can revert to adolescent silliness :-) It's a good thing my kids weren't with me to see me spiral downward.

--Mother's Day = Awesome Day. Awesome kids. Awesome husband. Thank you God.

--Mother's Day = Sad... Still think about my mother every day.

--Only 5 days of home schooling left! Must. Keep. Going...

--Severe weather predicted here tonight. If anyone needs a basement, you're welcome to come over. We can make cards!