Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So good, but sooo bad....

Why is it that the recipes that sound so yummy to me are the ones that are so bad for me? Take a look at this! I particularly love the black and white pic. Yummm!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Boob Tube

You probably think I'm going to write about the television. Well...not exactly. I can write about this now because it's over. I had an MRI on Wednesday because of an increase in calcifications that showed up on my last mammogram. An MRI. It sounds serious, and it is definitely not a walk in the park. My last mammogram was 2 days before Christmas and when we compared it to the mammograms from the last 4 years, there is an obvious increase in calcifications on the right side. Sometimes, if there is a cluster of calcifications, that can indicate pre-cancerous tissue... Not good. But, it's normal for calcifications to increase as a woman gets older (joy!). So, since my mother had breast cancer, the radiologist encouraged us to find out for sure. Therefore, I allowed myself to be rolled into a long, metal tube to be x-rayed with super, duper strength stuff. I'm sure there was all kinds of radiation bouncing around the room. The days leading up to my appointment were incredibly stressful. Often, I would wonder if Wednesday was the day I'd receive a cancer diagnosis... Thankfully, everything is fine and the doctor saw no inkling of anything remotely suspicious. I slept for 2 hours after I got home...

One of my friend's grandmother passed away that evening, and as I read about her passing... and a letter from her husband, I was struck by the different feelings we had about death. She was ready to go. She spoke of wanting to go... She was ready to meet the Lord. There's a hole where she used to be, and the sadness of her absences is so fresh...but there's some comfort in knowing she longed to go home to heaven. I'm not ready to go. And, the main consideration I have is not for myself, or even Handy Man...it's my children. They need me. Is there a time in our life when we feel that we've done what we were supposed to do? We've finished the job and ready to go "home"? I don't know the answer, but I know that I still have a job to do, and it looks like I'm going to be allowed to keep at it...

I can't end on such a melancholy note...so, here's a short video of what we did after Christmas. This is my #1 (on the drums), #2 (on the guitar), #4 (on vocals), and a brief glimpse of #5 sitting on the couch completely engrossed in his new Nintendo DS. My boys....singing Ghostsbusters. It told you I had a lot of work to do...